Friday, June 29, 2007

How To Explode Your Network Marketing Business With A Funded Proposal

Are you faced with the two challenges of not having enough money to advertise and not enough qualified prospects to share your business with? Are your family and friends sick and tired and bored to death by your constant nagging about your opportunity? You're not alone in that mess. Here comes the funded proposal system to your rescue. Take advantage of it.

A funded proposal is a system of doing business where you generate money to fund your advertising on the front end and introduce the prospects to your opportunity on the back end.

It works like this. You find a system that is set up to sell a very valuable ebook at a small cost and you plug into it. The system should provide you with a lead capture page. This page will capture the prospect's contact information for you. When the prospect buys the valuable eBook, they get great information and you get some money to help you advertise.

The beauty of the funded proposal is that you are earning while generating qualified leads for your primary business. The lead is qualified because this is someone who is investing time and money to learn how to build a business online.

A great funded proposal system will have a system to store the leads you generate and also send out auto responder emails to them. This is important because most people take a while before they buy. By having an auto responder email go out to them with more valuable information, they see you as an expert and eventually buy.

The auto responder emails need to be personalized with your name. This looks like the emails are coming directly from you to them. But they're really coming from the excellent funded proposal system you plugged into.

You will have some leads or prospects who will call you to find out about your network marketing opportunity. But most of them won't. So, you pick up the phone and call the ones who buy the eBook. Only the buyers. This is because you're only interested in qualified prospects who've shown interest by investing in themselves. You can choose not to call and just continue by email. But calling will greatly increase your sign up rate.

The prospects just don't stumble upon your funded proposal lead capture page. You have to actively promote the page by advertising it. Ideally, the funded proposal system you plugged into will provide you with high quality resources to advertise your lead capture page. If you're just learning to build your network marketing business online, you need a system that will empower you with the necessary tools to achieve major success.

The system should direct you to ezines, article writing, banner ads, pay per clicks, copy writing, and a whole lot of resources and marketing tools to make things easier for you.

A funded proposal system is the ultimate method to build a huge team fast. Your team will plug into the same system experience incredible results. The key is to find and plug into a powerful funded proposal system that will allow you and your team to both make money and build a very successful network marketing business.

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Thursday, June 28, 2007

How to Earn Extra Money From Home

Thanks to the internet and the amazing growth of the web amongst business people, it is now possible to earn extra money from home without needing any investment or outlay, using just the skills you use in your everyday life.

One of the skills you can use to earn extra money from home is writing. You have no doubt heard the phrase 'Content is King' more than a few times, and webmasters everywhere have a constant need for fresh, unique content. Writing is an easy business to get started in, especially if you are a USA resident and can submit content to the Associated Content website. By submitting content to the Associated Content website, you'll receive instant cash through Paypal. This is great seed money for your business.

Don't worry! If this sounds complicated, it's not. We'll show you exactly how to use Associated Content to your advantage in our free course, "The Really Simple Method to Making Money on the Internet." We'll talk more about it below.

Wherever you live, you can offer your writing services on free forums such as Digital Point, or you can respond to advertisements already placed by other people. Even if you have no PayPal account, many of the webmasters on that forum will pay by other means. You can start with a very small job if you like, even to the extent of just doing a few forum posts. Obviously the pay for this is extremely low, but you can then take on bigger jobs. Starting small and "over delivering" to your clients is the best way build up your business, because you'll get great recommendations. Before long, you'll be booked for work.

For those who wish to earn extra money from home more regularly and more seriously, there is the opportunity to join several freelancing websites which match up writers looking for work with webmasters needing work done. The biggest advantage of joining these freelancing websites is if you can write well, you can build up a positive reputation which is then visible to anyone else who may be thinking of hiring you.

This should allow you to command a higher price for your work. Some of these sites, including the best known, charge a fee for writers to become involved, others do not. Of course the sites that do charge a fee will have fewer competitors, as only serious writers will pay the fees.

This type of freelance work is not confined to writing by any means. Even something as technically advanced as computer programming is freely bought and sold, often on the same sites as the writing jobs. Obviously you will need highly developed skills to be able to bid for this kind of work, but if you do have these skills, you will be in demand. Use your experience and knowledge to earn extra money from home!

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Internet Traffic And Sales - Visitors Driven By Sub-Concious Psychological Tactics To Become Buyers

What is the No.1 factor that drives sales, especially on the Internet? Answer - EMOTION Which emotion has the most effect on potential customers to your website? Answer - FEAR

FEAR of the product being 'sold out'

FEAR of the price going up

FEAR of their competitors having an advantage

One Time Offers or OTOs are a great example of emotive fear marketing. How many times have you seen 'Click away from this page and you will never see this offer again', or something very similar.

If you could find a way of applying emotive fear marketing combined with sub-concious psychological buying pressure, then I think that could be described as the 'Holy Grail' of cash creating systems.

Imagine having visitors to your site converted to buying mode even before they know about your products. Phew, I'll buy a piece of that action any day!

Find a way to remove the price barrier and then use fear-of-loss by sending your visitors packing if they don't act fast enough.

This can be when you run out of quantity, if they spend too long on the page, at a pre-set date and time or even if they arrive at a page too soon, like before your launch starts. All of these options should have various live count-downs to really drive the point home. This means that the numbers will change as the user is watching the page instead of having to refresh.

That would drive a powerful buying message into your prospect's sub-concious as they see the numbers reduce live on their monitor. If someone sees the golden opportunity you are offering rapidly slipping through their fingers, they are more likely to buy now, rather than lose out forever.

Just after your visitors realize that they lost out, you should present them with a "second chance offer". Very few marketers do this, which means that they are losing a lot of sales.

Use that 'underground' tactic and your visitors, just crushed from missing your fabulous offer, should jump to take you up on your generosity!

What you want from any website that you own is to increase your conversions and improve your sales funnel so that you can make much more money from the same number of visitors, faster than ever before.

It costs a lot to get a potential customer to come to your site. You need to use overwhelming psychological persuasion techniques to influence more of your visitors to buy your products on their first visit, before they are gone for good.

Guess What! I've found the sub-concious doorway to my vistors buying button. Want a piece of the action? Before it is all gone?

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Monday, June 25, 2007

Internet Marketing - The Power of Blogging

Bloggers are quickly becoming centers of influence on and offline. More and more people are turning to their favorite trusted blogs for information, recommendations, and to exchange ideas. The most popular blogs are updated daily and provide faithful readers with fresh new information. This constant flow of fresh content attracts new readers and keeps them coming back.

Blogs are "A Must" for webpreneurs. Blogging is a free and effective internet marketing opportunity that can take your business to the next level.

The Power of Blogging:

1. The Internet is known as the information super highway because Internet users are seeking information. Blogging allows you to be a provider of information. Demonstrate your expertise in your field or niche. Blogging enables you share your knowledge and experience with others.

2. Blogging gives you a platform to introduce your products, services, and/or business to people interested in what you have to say and what you are doing.

3. Blogging daily increases your search engine rankings, making it easier for people to find you.

4. Blogging increases website traffic and backlinks to your website.

5. Blogging creates opportunities to establish credibility, gain referrals, communicate, network, establish dialog, and get valuable feedback. A blog is like your own online community and you are the center of influence. Being an influential blogger opens doors of opportunity for joint ventures and additional streams of income. As your blog grows so will the opportunities.

The Law of Opportunity-
Your greatest possibilities will often come from the most common situations around you. Your biggest opportunity probably lies under your own feet…-Brian Tracy

Blogging is an opportunity in which the possibilities are endless. Use the power of blogging. Start blogging today.

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Affiliate Marketing Introduction - Newbie Search Engine Optimisation

As you get your introduction to affiliate marketing you will come across the term search engine optimization a zillion times. In fact you probably thought affiliate marketing is all about search engine optimization. In a sense that is probably true. Search engine optimization is the process you go through to have your website rank highly with the search engines eg google.

If you rank higher, your site will be higher up in the search engine listings for your target keyword. This makes it more likely for you to get traffic. There are two components to search engine optimization. On page optimization and off page optimization. On page optimization refers to tactics you implement on your webpage to make it looked on favorably by the search engines.

These factors include

  • Page layout. Have a consistent page lay out throughout your site
  • Design your pages so that google can easily search your site. Have good site navigation
  • Unique content. Google is looking for websites that have good, unique content
  • Update your content frequently
  • Keyword use and keyword density. Use your chosen keywords prominently and frequently
  • Off page optimization refers to things you do after you have built and published your website, to improve the ranking of your website. This mainly involves getting high quality, highly ranked websites to link to you using your desired key word or phrase. These links are called backlinks.

    A word of warning!! Be very careful about which site your backlinks are from. There are link farms out there which look ever so appealing but links from them could get you banned by google.

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    Wednesday, June 20, 2007

    Internet Merchant Certifications for Small and Home Based Businesses

    How do you distinguish your website from all the other ones out there? And how do you get your customers to believe that you operate a serious business where they can feel comfortable shopping? Well the standard is increasingly turning to various forms of merchant certifications and seals of approvals for websites. But which one is right for you?

    There are plenty of organizations out there that offer all kinds of certifications. Most of them are however very expensive or they only certify security of transactions or verify actual incorporation. In other words for most home based or new businesses there are not a lot of certification options out there. There are some exceptions of services though that focuses on giving a Seal of Approval to websites based on a good service history and other qualifications geared to the small and home based internet business rather than the large corporation.

    An example of this type of certification is IBCIM.ORG, The International Bureau of Certified Internet Merchants. They operate the Merchant Certified Seal of Approval program where internet businesses from any country or industry can obtain a Seal of Approval to display on their website. The Seal is linked to an Instant Verification Page where the website's customers can instantly go and verify membership and the certification status of the business. A seal such as this one is a powerful tool to enable businesses to compete online.

    The bottom line for small businesses is to find way to stand out from the crowd and initiate that first sale which is precious when you are starting out. And the only way to do that is to make sure that your visitor is comfortable shopping on our site. In other words they have to trust you.

    To learn more about an internet merchant certification visit

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    Thursday, June 14, 2007

    It's Always Campaign Season

    When it comes to marketing your business, it's always "campaign season." Whether you're creating awareness, implementing a promotion strategy, or building your brand, carrying out regular marketing campaigns is crucial to the success and health of your business.

    Stick With the Winners

    When planning your next marketing campaign, think about the strategies that have worked for your business in the past, and try to repeat them. Don't be afraid to drop the activities that no longer work for you; instead, stick with the ones that bring in the best results. Also, try to include some new online marketing techniques in your marketing mix, like email marketing or web advertising. Online marketing is typically inexpensive to try, easy to track, and is very effective for most types of businesses. Remember to always test and measure all of your campaigns so that you can identify the winners and drop the losers.

    Diversify Your Efforts

    Using a variety of methods to promote your business is always a good idea, since experts tell us that consumers mentally integrate information better when they get it from many sources. Getting your message out by using several different techniques will help your customers "learn" your message and remember your company the next time they need your products or services.

    Look for Lasting Results

    Marketing your business is an ongoing process, so look for activities that have staying power. For instance, press releases stick around in news archives and on media web sites, providing inbound links to your web site long after the news was released. You can also look for marketing strategies that lend themselves to repetition, like sending out monthly newsletters (or e-newsletters, which are less expensive to send), or renewing annual business memberships like Chambers of Commerce or professional associations. This type of consistency will help protect your business from sporadic marketing attempts that are often too short-lived to have much impact.

    Consistency is Key

    The most important part of marketing your business is to be consistent – make sure you are implementing marketing campaigns on a regular basis, not just every now and then. Try to reach your customers using a steady stream of marketing methods (e.g., your web site, email campaigns, direct advertising, e-newsletters, print, etc.), so that your customers and potential customers remember your message and your company the next time they shop.

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    Wednesday, June 13, 2007

    Search Engine Marketing - How to Increase Website Traffic and Google Rankings

    Search Engine Marketing

    Search Engine Marketing Explained: Search engine marketing or SEM is the best way of creating visibility, enhancing rankings and getting more traffic to your website. Marketing has always been integral to sales and a sound marketing strategy can always help you to achieve your short-term and long-term goals and increase your profit. Search Engine Marketing or SEM originated somewhere during the late 1990's. It was propelled by the sudden increase of websites on the Internet. Internet became a revolution as more and more people found it easier to use the Internet for different purposes. Internet became a repository of information and soon people needed tools to search and locate relevant information and these tools later evolved as search engines.

    Seeing the boom, marketers seized the opportunity and created search engines for promotion of websites on the Internet. During this period of evolution, search engine optimization introduced pay-per-click programs offered by Google and Yahoo followed by search marketing in 1997, and Google AdWords in 2000. By the end of 2006, the pay-per-click campaigns had achieved tremendous success and today are the primary money-making programs for search engines.

    In the age where the Internet is the prime platform for advertising your product or service with the help of a website, a sound search engine marketing strategy can do wonders. Today, there are many people who market their businesses through the Internet so that more and more visitors can see the website and become prospective customers. Now most businesses use the SEM strategy to enhance search engine optimization so how can you make a difference? Is your strategy any different from what others are using?

    To distinguish your business and be different, you can use some advanced ways of using search engine marketing to help increase your ROI. At the end of the day, the only thing really matters is the visitor conversion to customer. All the methods and various engine optimization methods that various businesses or individuals use are to help them derive a profit. This is exactly the reason why you have also created a website.

    SEO - Search Engine Optimization: First things first, you need to get your website included in the top 10 search engine results to maximize web traffic. To do this successfully, you will need to devise a strong SEO or search engine optimization strategy. Using SEO, your website ranking will improve considerably. SEO uses keywords, which are words specific or relevant to the product or services offered by you. For example: If you are offering tour packages then you can use keywords like travel packages, honeymoon packages, wildlife tours, hiking tours, trekking etc. Using relevant or specific keywords for SEO purposes will help you to get the desired traffic on to your website and at the same time, increase your website ranking in search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN.

    Now when we speak of search engine marketing, it includes various methods of increasing the visibility of a website in search engine results pages (SERP). Some of the top SEM strategies include:

  • SEO Strategies: The main aim of a search engine optimization strategy or process is to improve rankings based on relevant keywords through search results. A SEO strategy can only be successful if you improve a web site structure, content, and layout and also provide a relevant back link from any other website to your website. Successful SEO is not just limited to text content but it also includes image optimization, and other documents like PDF. The hardest approach implement is the Organic search engine optimization is the more cost effective
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Pay-per-click advertising, which is one of the most commonly used method of driving web traffic and improving sales uses paid ads. As an advertiser, you will have to bid in an auction based market place for keyword driven advertisements. These customized ads are displayed on the search pages and you pay every time someone clicks on the advertisement.
  • Paid Inclusions: The third important SEM strategy is paid inclusion. Using paid inclusion, you will be able to feed listings into various search engines. As an advertiser, you will have to pay a certain amount for the inclusion of your web pages in the index of the service provider. You might have to pay a pay-per-click fee in addition to the inclusion fee depending on the SEO provider.
  • Online Visibility solutions: Lastly, except press released services,one of the free methods of increasing visibility is through social media optimization. Through this process, you can promote your website by placing content within online communities so that it can be spread virally. This method is used by websites like YouTube, MySpace etc.
  • To Achieve success a well planned mix of methods and other more innovative techniques are necessary. If you hire a Search Engine Marketing (SEM) expert make sure that he/she has a holistic approach on that combines a mix of legitimate techniques.

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    Tuesday, June 12, 2007

    Top 10 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Choose That SEO Agency

    A simplistic approach to Search Engine Optimization usually means troubles, or rather, a waste of money. Here is my list of top ten of ways to detect that the people sitting in front of you might not be a serious partner to make your online business grow.

    1. Here is your "Top 50" "Top 100" or "Guarantee positioning" package.


    There is no way of predicting which position any given site can reach on any search engine for any keyword. The actual ranking of a site is a function of a number of ever-changing interactions which are not in the hands of the search engine agency. Besides the engines themselves periodically changing their ranking logics, in this very second there are hundreds of websites and search engine agencies working hard to improve their positioning for the keyword "London hotel". How can you honestly ensure you will rank at the top of them?

    And moreover... who cares? The position of a given keyword is NOT the objective of a SEO activity. Nor it is a parameter to measure your online success. The number of top rankings for over-inflated keywords is not going to affect your EBITBA. Conversions and CPA are.

    A serious search engine agency will rather get committed on the quantity and quality of traffic (conversions!), and to bring you tangible sales leads (and should be able to give you more clever advices then just try to get your traffic from the same old 50 obvious keywords).

    2. We don't do doorway pages. These are "landing pages".

    BMW used to think it didn't make much difference. Then, its website completely disappeared from Google. Search engines can discriminate between proper landing pages and spamming, and can ban you in a second, making all your investments go up in smoke. Be sure landing pages are what they should be, an informative landing environment which is fully integrated in your navigation and content structure.

    3. SEO is just about throwing in in some meta tags.

    Meaning:"We do have a feeling that there are other key page elements such as blogs, social bookmarking, press releases, viral content, advanced link popularity and link bait are just as important as meta tags for search engines, but actually, we haven't got a clue of how to do that stuff."

    4. It's ok to spend 95% of your online budget on pay-per-click.

    Meaning:"Getting you your fair share of traffic from SEO might take a bit more effort on our side and we do not really care about your distribution costs".

    5. PPC is more controllable than SEO.

    Meaning:"Achieving and tracking SEO results seems kind of hard, let's do some ppc advertising instead".

    6. We guarantee you get ranked in 15 days.

    Option 1:"No, not in Google really, just in 20.000 obscure search engines."

    Option 2: "We will get you a top position in Google for 'design luxury yet budget accomodation providers in the tundra' (with exact phrase match)".

    7. We only specialize in search engines.

    Meaning: "What happens when a user arrives to your site is not our business and we don't understand much about usability or what it takes to generate a booking on a travel website".

    8. Yeah, we are a web agency but will do the search engine for you.

    Sounds like: "I've been plumber for the last 30 years, but I will fix with your electrical system for some extra cash".

    9. You don't need to do any work on your website.

    Meaning:"Deleting that annoying flash intro page would destroy the user experience. And adding some interesting content is not necessary. Not that many people really use search engines to book their travel anyway".

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    Sunday, June 10, 2007

    Niche Marketing Strategy - Beating The Competition

    I'm sure you've heard this joke. If not, you'll love it. Two men are lost in the woods. Suddenly, they hear a bear coming from about a quarter mile away. The one man sits down and puts on his running shoes. The other man looks at him, puzzled by what he's doing and says to him, "You can't outrun a bear!" The other man looks up at him and says, "I don't have to. I only have to outrun you." When it comes to niche marketing and beating the competition, that's all it takes. You don't have to pound them into the ground. You just have to be a little bit faster and better. In this article, I'm going to show you a few ways to get the jump on your competition. Hopefully, after reading this, you'll be armed with enough information to outrun that bear.

    The first thing you must do is go to the search engines, preferably Google, and type in the keyword or keywords for your niche. When you get your results, take a good look at the first site that comes up in the search. This is the top site and the one you have to beat. To do this, your site only has to be a little better than this one. To do that, there are a few things you will need to look at.

    The first thing you'll need to look at is the various meta tags of the site, especially the keyword meta tag. You want to make a note of every keyword in that tag. These are the keywords you're up against and therefore you will need to optimize your page for these keywords, as well as make sure you also include them in your meta tag as well. This of course only puts you on an even ground with this site and does not boost you over it. That comes soon.

    The next thing you want to do is make note of any header tags at the site. If the site doesn't have any H1 tags, then that is one way of getting an edge on the site. Either way, this is something that you must include on your site to advance up the rankings. Also, you want to bold any keywords on your page. This will also improve your rankings.

    The main area where you can get a jump on the competition is to look and see how many inbound links this site has. To do this you simply go to Google and type in Link: where is the actual URL of the site itself. Whatever number of inbound links this site has, a way to jump over this site in the rankings is to get more inbound links to YOUR site. This is done by submitting articles to various directories, engaging in link exchanges and other methods of getting inbound links. This is probably the most critical part of moving your site up the search engine ranks.

    A lot of site owners don't really put in the time to optimize their site for the search engines, so moving your way past them won't be as difficult as you might be thinking.

    Remember, you don't have to outrun the bear. You only have to outrun the guy that you're with.

    To YOUR Success,

    Steven Wagenheim

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    Friday, June 08, 2007

    Why Online Businesses Fail To Become Successful

    First: The "Build It And They Will Come" mind set

    Too many people invest money in website design, get the site up and running - and then nothing! No hits. No interest. No sales. Why? Because they didn't advertise. Just having a site is useless. Unless you actively get qualified prospects to visit - you might as well not have a site at all. The days of "build it and they will come" are long over when it comes to the Internet.

    Second: Poor Selling Skills

    Having a good website is only part of the equation. You still have to convince your prospects to open up their wallets and buy. That's why plenty of marketers fail because they don't know how to sell effectively online.

    Third: Time Factor

    It's like everything else in life. You get out what you put in. That means taking plenty of time to make sure all the details are correct, prospects are called, questions are answered...a lot of time consuming work. And if you already have a full time job - there's just not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything.

    Most people know that you simply cannot build a website and buy some pay-per-click ads then expect people to visit your site and give you questions asked.

    It's a fact - unless you invest in your internet marketing education, you'll remain "in the dark" about what it really takes to succeed online, and you'll never be able to make any kind of REAL money.

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    Thursday, June 07, 2007

    The Advantages of Internet Marketing

    In it's most basic sense, Internet marketing is like finding a market and seeing what they are searching for, then giving them what ever product or service they want to purchase through the Internet. There are many advantages to Internet marketing.

    The biggest advantage to Internet marketing is how easy it is to get into it. All it takes is about ten dollars to purchase your own domain name for an entire year. You can also get web hosting for around fifty dollars a month, which is less than one thousand dollars a year.

    This leads us right into the second advantage of Internet marketing which is the low overhead. With Internet marketing your overhead is a computer which you can purchase for less than seven or eight hundred dollars. You will also need to get some type of Internet service hooked up, which is generally inexpensive because the market is so competitive. You should also get some keyword search tools, as week as auto responder software for your marketing.

    One of the greatest advantages to Internet marketing is that there is so much geographic flexibility. With this you are able to be any where in the world as long as you can get an Internet connection, and your business will be open twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. You also don't have to deal with a schedule or a boss. I have yet to find a single person who hasn't had an encounter with an arrogant boss. With Internet marketing you are the only one you have to deal with. Which leads me to the next benefit of Internet marketing. You will not have to deal with co workers anymore. You have the most freedom you can get with work when you stick to Internet marketing.


    Wednesday, June 06, 2007

    The Average Joe Marketer Package Review - An Honest Opinion

    The Average Joe Internet Marketer Package is a common topic of discussion on many internet marketing, and work from home forums. Some are praising the package as a work from home miracle, and others believe it to be a dubious scam. In the world of internet marketing the, "truth", so to speak is seldom (if ever) that cut and dry. Each individual will have a unique experience with the program, and the outcomes of that experience will lead to unique opinions. If an individual purchaser has a poor work ethic and fails to implement any of the program strategies, then yes it will seem a scam. However, if a purchaser puts some work into the package the results will be far different. The Average Joe Internet Marketer Package is a classic example of the old cliche "you get out of it what you put into it".


    The Average Joe Internet Marketer Package is ideally geared towards the beginner internet marketer. The package covers such important topics as pay per click adversting (ppc), and search engine optimization. Click Bank and Commission Junction, the most respect companies in internet marketing are also discussed in detail. Through the discussion of these and other important internet marketing strategies, the course provides a step by step blue print to implementing a succesful campaign. Discovering and benefiting from a niche market, was in the opinion of the author the best part of the course. The course explains the importance of a niche market, and how to best capitalise on it. Various Ebay wholesale and power selling resources are also mentioned.

    The Author's Reaction

    The Average Joe Internet Marketer Package had many positive aspects, but also had a variety of flaws. The discussion of niche marketing was in my opinion the most beneficial. I would describe myself as an intermediate internet marketer, and this section even provided me with tips and strategies that I was unaware of. The most disappointing part of the course was the "eBay resources" section. The information provided could have been deduced from common sense and a quick search of any eBay forum. The price of $77 dollars may be out of reach for some potential purchasers. Some may dismiss the price as a small cost to reap potentially huge awards. However, $77 dollars is still a lot of money and may be a turn of to some. Another potential flaw is the fact that the course is geared towards the beginner. Most intermediate and experienced internet marketers would find the course to be rather disappointing. The information provided is definitely best suited toward the internet marketer just "getting their feet wet". All and all I would rate the course a solid buy, providing the purchaser takes the time, and invests the work to make something of it.

    To learn more, click here

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    Tuesday, June 05, 2007

    Unleashing the Potentials of SEM

    Just like Search Engine Optimization (SEO), the Search Engine Marketing is another powerful marketing tool that anyone can use to augment the popularity ranking of a site and create a mileage of exposure for it. Any business, which would like to use the methodology of SEM, requires an explicit planning, no matter how big or small your business is, regardless of its nature and scope. To better utilize the potentials of SEM, the following tricks may help you a bit.

     Initially, when you start out creating your search engine marketing material, you will have to require yourself to determine what you are trying to achieve at. You have to make it known to the public what your company can offer to the consuming public. The challenge with this is the writer's capability to condense all of the benefits that a company can offer in a single statement while not missing the meat and all at the same time making it people impacting.

     Next in line is to establish your product's benefits and features that you can offer to the consuming public. On this context, you have to explicitly emphasize all issues that can be resolved with the employment of the product.

     You also have to establish a way on how your prospective clients can get in touch or communicate with you, should they be feeling interested with your product. This should be done is the simplest manner as consumers do not like to undergo a complex process just so they can place an order.

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    Monday, June 04, 2007

    Web 2.0 - Way of the Future or Marketing Gimmick?

    The phrase itself is attributed to O'Reilly media, the company who coined it in 2003. Subsequently, the first Web 2.0 conference, which was held in 2004, brought it into widespread public consciousness. A series if conferences hosted by O'Reilly media has made the term even more popular than ever and facilitated the adoption of it by many industry pundits. The term as it has come to be used by O'Reilly media, refers to what many in the Internet industry perceive to be the second wave of Web-based communities and hosted services, following the first wave of communities which flourished during the initial Internet boom. These web sites encompass social networking sites, wiki sites and folksonomies-all of which share the trait of encouraging and facilitating content collaboration and sharing among its many users.

    Perhaps some of the confusion surrounding the use of the tem Web 2.0 stems from the fact that it does not actually signify a change or an update to the technical specification of the World Wide Web as we have come to know it. Instead it more appropriately describes the widespread changes that many systems developers have implemented in the way that they use the existing web platform. The founder of O'Reilly media, Tim O'Reilly has himself termed it a business revolution in the computer industry that was caused by the move to the Internet as a platform. He further goes on to say that attempts to come to grips with the rules for success on that new platform is an integral part of Web 2.0.

    On his own blog, which can be found at, O'Reilly wrote a compact yet more detailed definition of the term and refers to Web 2.0 as his view of the network as a platform that encompasses all the devices that are connected to it. According to him, Web 2.0 applications are the applications that are in the best position to take advantage of most of the inherent benefits of that platform. The means by which they can achieve this is through the delivery of software to the public that is continuously updated and generates its content through the merging of data from many different sources, which may include the individual end user. The Web 2.0 applications in turn generate their own data as well as services in a way that other users can readily mix according to their own needs. This paradigm clearly goes beyond the nature of Web 1.0 into a network that is built upon as O'Reilly calls it "(an) architecture of participation". The end result is a richer web experience for the end user by way of applications that actually get better the more it is used.

    To further illustrate the differences between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0, it may help to view Web 1.0 as primarily focused on the connectivity between computers and a way to make technology work better for computers, while Web 2.0 strives to link people together and make technology work better for people.

    While some people would disagree with this last illustration-and indeed claim that the opposite is actually more accurate-the fact remains that the Web 2.0 is increasingly reliant on the varied input from its users and the dividing line between people and technology is becoming more and more blurred as time goes on.

    While computer mediation is still-and will probably remain for the next foreseeable future-an integral part of the new paradigm, the utilization of the collective input from its users will bring about a continuous improvement of the particular application based on the same users' interaction with it.

    The clear shift in focus from "technology" to "people" is perhaps no better illustrated by the change in technological demands from the '90s to the present. While many users previously focused their requests on solutions to very specific technological demands, the overwhelming clamor nowadays is for applications that allow for far more end user intervention and input.

    The controversy rages on as to the validity of the term Web 2.0, but by all indications it seems that it is here to stay.

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    Saturday, June 02, 2007

    Pay Per Install Affiliate Programs - Do They Make You Quick Profits?

    Pay per install affiliate programs have had a rough history. In the past they used to be link to Adware and Spyware being installed to user's computers and still are. However they are a great way to earn some extra revenue quickly and easily from the Internet.

    Pay per install programs can work with pdf reports, software programs or videos that you have created. Whenever someone installs the program, software or report from your website, you get paid a commission. In that sense, they work like Pay per action affiliate programs. Whether you are a publisher or a software developer, there is a way for almost every Internet businessperson to include Pay per install affiliate programs in their business model.

    The first issue in choosing a pay per install affiliate program is whether it pays to your country. Some affiliate programs only limit payment to certain countries. You should be able to check on this when you sign up.

    Like any other affiliate program you sign up for, you also want to make sure it has good reporting technology. This way you can keep track of your statistics and your progress.

    The way to promote your installation link is just like how you would promote any other website or offer. You can use 'answers' websites to refer your program, or post in forums and discussion boards. Another way to promote these programs is to submit your software to software and shareware directories around the web.

    Many pay per install affiliate programs still work with Adware and Spyware. I advise avoiding those programs as most people do not like having something spying on their activities on their computer!

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    Friday, June 01, 2007

    Web Master Affiliate Program - Start Your Own Affiliate Business Without Glitches!

    The last few years has continue to churn out a monstrous increase in the number of people who are desperate to earn a living at home. Yes, millions of people, especially in the developed countries are looking for credible web master affiliate program to work from home.

    And every report available indicates that this trend is not abating because of the attractiveness or BENEFITS of working from home. Truthfully, the benefits of work at home are numerous. As an example, not many people can resist the freedom of setting their own times, kicking out the ungrateful boss out of their lives, no more slave wage, and generally set their own schedule of work and follow it accordingly.

    Ironically, despite the above benefits, for many people are still facing some hiccups when trying to set up an online business. For example, many are afraid of product creation, web site design, issues of shipping and handling; sales, marketing, customers cares and other intricacies.

    The over $200 billion affiliate internet marketing to the rescue

    This is perhaps the best news for anyone who wants to really make lots of CASH from the comfort of his/her home. An affiliate marketer need not worry about product creations, shipping and handling, customers and payment issues.

    And for web site design, you are not going to face problem because all what you need is just a simple website layout. You can use any of numerous web-page building programs, and majority of these programs can even walk you through every step of the process.

    Once you have a website in place, you can then come up with a list of companies that will pay you to link to them. Amazon operates a system like this.

    Go for more cash instead of linking

    However, if you really want to make big cash, you want MORE than a webpage with just a list of links on it. I know the links may earn you a buck or 2, but there is a big problem here: most web surfers will simply leave your site!

    Even the most qualified visitors from search engines will get frustrated and leave your site in a hurry if they find your site filled with links. Instead you should provide interesting and educative web contents that relate to the web master affiliate program you're linking to.

    And if you can't write interesting content yourself, don't' worry. You can outsource to one of the hundreds companies that will do it for you for a very reasonable price. Once you've got your content, you can weave your links throughout it. People will find your web page on search engines like Yahoo, Google, MSN, and from other sources.

    Your contents will make you money

    Now as more and more people find your web contents, read your interesting and educative articles, they will want to stay longer on your site. In fact, sometimes I have people who come back several times over many days period to my site.

    And in most cases, they will click on the links provided on your site and you will be making money in no time flat. I am not giving you an assurance that if you come online today you will start making money immediately.

    But if you put in some work, you should smile to the banks as an affiliate marketer doing business with established web master affiliate program online. And when you take a professional web site plus well written, interesting contents mix up with good links, then you will get lots of visitors that'll transform into CASH for you!

    Friend, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and give it a try or if you want to get the best out quickly I suggest that you JOIN a proven internet marketing training program where you will be exposed to the latest top notch strategies and web master affiliate program that'll speedy up your earning online. Good luck!

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